















        Wan teng, xingtai royal JingCheng with French architectural style is given priority to, the total area of about 140 mu, total construction area of 300000 square meters, the total number of households is about 1600, plot ratio is about 2.2, a total of 22 homes, the second phase of the overall design plan is divided into north and south, the north and the south east, south, west is designed three entrances and exits, the overall use of underground parking, stereoscopic landscape design concept depended on the ground, project the spring on the north avenue, south to side planning encryption road, east to the iron and steel road, west road planning encryption.

        The project is equipped with six areas: activity square area, kindergarten, children recreation area, elderly fitness area, neighborhood communication area and healthy sports area.

        1 activity square area: sports facilities and community cultural activity rooms are set up in the activity square area;

        2. Kindergarten: build a 12-class kindergarten in the community, so that your children can receive good education without leaving the house;

        3 children recreation areas: we set up in children's recreation! Paradise, can meet the demand of low in older children play, at the same time we also set up in this area adult supervision area, benches, baby parking space and water facilities, fully embodies the humanized design, meet the needs of children crawling, imitate, adventure, learning, four big demand growth trajectory, in physical exercise, social demand, help children healthy growth in the parent-child interaction, explore children multiple potential;

        4. Fitness area for the elderly: checkerboard square, fitness facilities, and recreational area in the shade meet the needs of fitness for the elderly, and also reflect our special care for the elderly;

        5. Neighborhood communication area: this area makes full use of the climbing surface to set up a leisure platform and increase the humanized sitting stool. In addition, children on the climbing surface can identify patterns to enrich the landscape, provide a place for neighborhood communication and enhance the relationship between neighbors, thus forming a harmonious community.

        6. Healthy sports area: it is divided into circular track and badminton field, which can meet the sports needs of young people.

        No matter from transportation, medical treatment or education, the project can not only bring you the atmosphere of a prosperous city, but also enjoy the sense of privacy in the exclusive field.

        Transportation facilities: the baiquan road around the project, the taihang road and binjiang road are planned. Each of the above roads can reach the core of the city quickly. Baiquan road is the first urban expressway in our city, with a total length of 15.7 kilometers. Living here allows you to enjoy the bustling city life, and avoid the congestion of the city;

        Medical facilities: within 15 minutes' drive of the project, there are two grade a hospitals (xingtai third hospital, mining bureau hospital) to provide medical assistance for your family and ensure your health.

        Education supporting facilities: the self-built kindergarten, the new no.1 middle school campus around the project, the branch school of yucai primary school in xingtai city, the branch school of yuhong primary school in xingtai city, the iron and steel road primary school, qiaoxi no. 2 middle school and no. 23 middle school are all of high quality educational resources. Famous schools are gathered here, so that your children can enjoy better educational facilities.





地    址:邢臺(tai)市塑料南(nan)(nan)路(lu)以西,百泉大(da)路(lu)以南(nan)(nan)


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去年 08月份(fen)19日  萬騰·邢臺御景城頂目喜獲小班幻(huan)兒園(yuan)《網站建設項目 市政施工許可書證》!

2018年04月18日  萬(wan)騰·邢臺(tai)御(yu)景城頂(ding)目喜獲《開發過程(cheng)裝修工程(cheng)經營(ying)批準證書(shu)證》!

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2017年8月份16日(ri)  萬騰·邢臺御景(jing)城項目流程喜獲(huo)《網站建設(she)(she)區域建設(she)(she)規(gui)劃同意證》!

2017年(nian)04月(yue)17日   萬騰·邢臺(tai)御(yu)景城項(xiang)目流程順利獲得《土地證證》!

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